
Whatever I'm Thinking

A Quick Note to Remember for Tonight’s Presidential Debate

October 16, 2012
‎”The classic liberal,” Reagan wrote, “used to be the man who believed the individual was, and should be forever, the master of his destiny. That is now the conservative position. The liberal used to believe in freedom under law. He now takes the ancient feudal position that power is everything. He believes in a stronger and stronger central government, in the philosophy that control is better than freedom.”
 — From “Where’s the Rest of Me?” 1965
Remember this passage. Remember it each time Obama complains tonight that some Romney policy would “leave you on your own.” When Obama says that he affirms what Reagan accused liberals of believing — that “control is better than freedom.”

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One thought on “A Quick Note to Remember for Tonight’s Presidential Debate

  1. Reblogged this on yasniger and commented:
    REMEMBER THIS TONIGHT: Each time Obama complains Romney’s policies would leave Americans their own; he simply affirms what Reagan accused liberals of believing — that “control is better than freedom.”

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